سه شنبه 06 فروردين 1404      15:01


آمار بازدید
Customs Clearance



Import - Export & Customs Regulations




Imported Goods, Duties & Evaluation


All goods & commodities entering the customs areas in Iran are considered as “entering” goods & commodities Of these entering goods & commodities only those are subject  to customs tax and duties which their entrance to the country is made definite Other goods & commodities entering the customs areas in such modes as  internal transit, external transit, temporary entrance, etc are exempted from customs tax and duties

According to customs laws & regulations the value of goods and commodities entering Iranian customs is calculated on the basis of the CIF value plus registration fees  plus all other expenses and charges applicable to goods and commodities in question until their arrival to the first port of entry Furthermore, this calculation is done on the basis of the  documents submitted  by the owner  of  the  goods and commodities and on a floating  rate of exchange basis Some important exemptions and limitations concerning clearance of goods from Iranian customs is mentioned below

Support   of  Domestic  Production 


Where domestic production for a particular product dose not meet the market needs within the country, special permits are granted for limited importation of certain goods In fact this permit is a way of putting ration on importation of goods where a specified ceiling is set on the value, weight and quantity of imported goods and commodities 

As indicated in the tables annexed to the Import and Export Regulations, the import of certain goods and materials to the country is permitted on condition that there is no domestic production for the goods and materials in question In such cases obtaining the required certificate of “No Domestic Production” for importation of the said goods is necessary The conditions applicable to imported goods are based on Harmonized System Tariffs




Customs exemptions are in fact exemption from partial or full payment of  customs   tax  and  duties  on  imported  goods  &  commodities These exemptions are determined according to special rules and regulations The cases where customs exemption is permitted mainly include


      Export packing equipments temporarily imported into the country are exempted from customs tax and duties on condition that the  packed goods are actually exported out of the country


     All machineries imported for the purpose of agricultural husbandry, industrial, mining and packing are exempted from customs tax and duties


      All agricultural equipments and machineries and their spare parts are exempted  from  customs  tax   and   commercial   benefit tax if a) they have been imported to the country according to general regulations  prevailing export - import activities b) they are not manufactured domestically and c) the Ministry of Agriculture assesses  and  confirms  their  importation


    All producing machineries which have been imported by eligible producing, industrial and mining units and upon the approval of the Ministry of Industries are exempted from customs duties and commercial benefit tax upon confirmation of the aforementioned ministry


     Upon suggestion of the   producing   ministry and the approval of the government, discount or general exemption will be given on customs tax & duties and commercial   benefit tax   relevant to raw materials and spare parts of industrial and agricultural machinery, electric &   electronic  equipments, and   transportation vehicles which have been imported by domestic factories and completed, assembled or manufactured in the same


     The raw materials and packing equipments which are imported into the country for producing drugs, and by factories which are/will be established with the permission of The Ministry of Health, Treatment & Medical Education or the General Department Veterinary, and produced in the name of the same factories, with regard to the relevant rules and regulations, will be liable to the same tariff as those medicines which are manufactured outside the country, unless, a lower customs tax is appreciated in the tariff table and the matter is approved by the concerned ministries and organizations


     Raw materials including chemical productions, ordinary metals, parts and equipments of the textile, road, agriculture and mining industry, and production machineries in different fields of industry and mining , and laboratory , scientific, technical and research instruments are eligible to enjoy certain exemptions as determined by the Harmonized System of Coding


Customs   Tariffs


The customs tariffs and duties, and commercial duties of commodities are as follows





(permitted/contingent) tariff  (%)


chemical industry products 

ordinary metals & relevant products

measurement instruments 

medical equipments and the like 10

food industry 

mining raw production  

leather industry

paper and wood fabrics  

mechanical  machinery   - 15

agricultural  raw  production 

electric  machinery

transportation  vehicles   & parts  

non permitted  commodities 25-25-50

Restrictions  ( Import )


Restrictions on the importation of goods and commodities to the country are divided into three broad categories                       


     a)         Religious restrictions concerning those goods and commodities   which are forbidden by Islamic laws


     b)         Legal retractions concerning the importation of guns, ammunition, drugs, non - standard and unhealthy goods or goods contaminated with radio- active materials


     c)         Economic restrictions supporting domestic industries and productions including 



        restrictions on materials and goods for which there is adequate domestic production


  restrictions on unnecessary and luxurious goods and commodities






In line with its policy concerning the promotion of exports and expanded   presence  of   domestic  manufacturers  in    the   international   markets, the government of the  Islamic  Republic  of  Iran has prescribed special incentives and exemptions on the export of goods and commodities

According to Article 33  of   Implementing   Regulations (1994) of the Export - Import Law,  the   assessment of export tariffs is carried out by the Pricing Committee Exporters should fill the relevant customs clearance forms accordingly However, it is evident that exporters have the right to express their views on the pricing of their goods and commodities  


(Restrictions ( Export 


Restrictions on the export of goods are as follows


Religious restriction on the export of goods which are forbidden according to Islamic Laws


    Legal restrictions which are implemented based on the prevailing situation


Support   of  Domestic   Production


The limitations placed on certain export goods in the country are mainly for the protection of domestic consumers and include those consumer goods or domestic industries for which there is inadequate domestic production




According to the Law on Drawback of customs tax & duties on machine made productions of domestic factories (1966), Article 14 of the Export - Import Law (1993) and Article 25 of the Implementing Regulations (1994) of the same, all  taxes  and  duties  collected  by the Organization  for  the  Protection  of  Consumers & Producers, on  all goods, materials and parts used in the production of  exported  goods  will be paid back   to the  exporter It should  be  noted   that the  Drawback  rate is based  on the tariff and  value  of   materials and parts at the time when export is  made


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